WLDMJR Profiloplysninger

Cub looking for a macho man
Mand Søger en Mand
Alder 33 Fra Hartland, Wisconsin
Online - Over 2 uger siden
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Grundlæggende oplysninger

    Jeg taler: Engelsk, Spansk
    Jeg beskriver mig selv som: commited guy who loves dogs. Im going to UWSP working on my bachelors in Wildlife Management so i can help maintain the wolf population. I have a special sense of humor and my friends and i poke alot of fun at each other. In the past year at school ive grown alot, and ik more of where i wana be and who i like to be around. Any of my friends will tell u that im an open book with audio players for each page. i just talk about anything really within reason. im loyal as a golden retriever minus all the fur and slobber. im crazy about my irish and scottish heritage, both my tattoos are celtic and hav roots embeded in where i came from. Family is important to me, cus when all is said and done ill always have them even when everyone else is gone. I love animals, when i get my own place i wana have at least one cat and a dog, im wanting a german shorthaired pointer someday, so that means i plan on having a ranch house with a big yard and plenty of open space, lol like a field in my backyard, and my ideal guy is masculine, thats why im a homosexual, i like the same sex, the same masculine outdoorsy belching farting sex! I don't know where im going after college, pretty much just gonna take what I get and be happy with it. As long as I have my dog, friends, and work to keep me busy i think ill be just fine
    Underskriv: Kræft

Udseende & Situation

    Min kropstype er: Gennemsnitlig
    Min højde er: 173 cm
    Mine øjne er: Nøddebrun
    Min etnicitet er: Kaukasisk
    Min civilstand er: Single
    Jeg har børn: Nej
    Jeg vil have børn: Nej
    Mit bedste karaktertræk er: Bryst
    Kropsudsmykning: Piercet... Men kun øre(r), Stategisk placeret tatovering
    Mit hår er: Mørkeblond
    Jeg har en eller flere af disse: Hund, Eksotisk dyr


    Mit uddannelsesniveau er: Universitetsuddannet
    Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er: Fuldtid
    Mit speciale er: Studerende
    Jeg bor: Med værelseskammerat(er), Med forældre, Med kæledyr
    Hjemme: Venner kommer forbi en gang i mellem
    Jeg er ryger: Nej
    Jeg drikker: Ja - en eller to


    I gymnasiet var jeg: Udstødt
    Min sociale opførsel er: Flirtende, Venlig, Uadvendt, Reserveret
    Mine interesser og hobbier er: Camping, Gå på diskotek / barer, Motion, Familie, Fisk / jagt, Internet, Spil, Musik, Tv
    Min idé om at have det sjovt er: Diskotek / barer, Være sammen med venner, Tage til koncert, Feste, Spille computerspil, Afslappende, Være hjemme, I biografen, Tv
    En ideel første date ville være: Something planned out where I get to see what the other person likes to do. Going to a bar would be cool too just sitting having a few drinks watching watevers on the tube or playing some pool.
    Mine venner beskriver mig som: Venlig, Fræk, Fjollet, En flirt


    Min religion er: Kristen
    Jeg deltager i tjenester: Aldrig
    Mit mål i livet er: Get a job working with animals and a house with a couple of dogs and a husband to come home to if im lucky


    I tv ser jeg altid: Tegnefilm, Dokumentarer, Sitcoms, Film
    Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en: Handling, Science Fiction, Comedy, Romantik, Familie, Animation, Gys, Thriller
    Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til: Ambient, Land, Folk, Latin, Metal, Pop, Punk, Reggae, Rock
    Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid: Erotik, Natur, Romantik
    Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er: Going for a picnic or something outdoors like canoeing or walking on trails in a park. Watching TV or a movie, going out to a bar for a few drinks with friends.

Leder efter

    Hvad finder du attraktivt?: Skaldethed, Empati, Flirtende, Flot udseende, Dygtighed, Humor, Spontanitet, Omtanke, Morsom
    Hvad leder du efter?: I look for a guy that sees me and comes over to say hi rather than just staring for the night. Confidence is sexy meaning if you get the balls to come over to me you are off to a good start, granted I find you attractive but hey if u don't try you'll never know. I like someone who is in decent shape, a little belly is nothing terrible, in fact on here im guessing ill be seeing alot of it. So say hi and see what happens
    Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?: Dato, Intim, Forpligtet
