Lonely bear looking for LTR

Године 37 из Gray Court, South Carolina На мрежи Пре више од 2 недеља

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  • Мој опис I'm very caring, mucically/artistically ecclectic, and loves independant films, music, festivals and things of that nature. I would really like to travel however currently lack the funds to do so. Moreover I would prefer someome special with whom to do this. I'm also a CNA, and am currently going to nursing school. However I have very little tolerance for immaturity, and irresponsibility so please be sure to have your act together. Other than than that we should be fine. My taste in guys range from all over the place, but I really like big furry (chubby) teddybears who don't mind cuddling, who likes cats, and is kind of a dork yet fun to be around. Can make laugh in the midst of any raunchy situation, and who will be there for me until the biter end. I want some who will love me not just for physical appearance, but for my personality, and who won't judge me no matter what,and hold me when I'm feelign hurt, depresed, or as need and won't mind. Also good hygeine is a must, no one likes a man who "stanks," and if your uncut wash it. Once again I like a man who can pick up after himself without being told to do so.I also like a man who can cook without giving me or himself food-poisoning. I also like a man with a sense of humour, and also wit on the spot. Moreover I want a man who will also listen to me when I have something on my mind, without ignoring, or trying to silence me. If you are interested feel free to let me know, and ask anything about me. Otherwise thank you for visiting my profile.
    Sincerely, Chris.
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